This might not be funny to anyone else, but I laughed so hard I was crying. We have "sayings" and nicknames that make us laugh. It is now on a comemorerative quilt. Most are inside jokes. I guess that is what makes us annoying. LOVE.
Here they are.
1. Corndog and hotdog (nicknames for our husbands, You figure it out)
2. Buzzkill
3. Taxi ride in Vegas
4. NA mom (what we all secretly aspire to be).
5. Know your role
6. Bear the Beav (GO DUCKS)
7. V. warmer (kam's favorite)
8. Work till you explode
9. GT stakeout
10. Cleaning yang's closet
11. Crack babies (drug of choice for BFF)
12. Burrito Tuesday: Vegie burrito, no guacamole, extra plate, 2 drinks, 6 salsas, 12 chips. ($8.30)
13. Walk it out Bizzle
14. Sunriver, Bachelor, Otter Beach, Idaho roadtrip, BGCA events
15. Our Favs: Tommy Lee, Betty Rubble, Barracudda, Big Ju, Porno Paul, Chic-a-rilla
16. I die, hot mess, hobo playa, sh*t balls, LOVE.
Thanks BFF for making me LMAO.
Happy New Year and I am sure we will be even more annoying in 2009.