Monday, May 30, 2011

"Memorial day remembrance..............."

Today is Memorial Day.
A day of remembrance for all that have passed.
Yesterday we decided to decorate the graves of our relatives. We went as a family and Grandma and Grandpa Mary went too. I wanted to explain to the kids that it was out of respect and remembering those that we miss so much and have passed..........We headed up to Scotts Mills where LeRoy's grandma Maxine is buried. We cleaned up her headstone and put flowers on her grave........Grandma Maxine. (Scott's Mills Cemetery).

We headed back to Lebanon. Grandma Mary (LeRoy' mom) had twin boys that died at birth. Richard and Richey. LeRoy's twin brothers. We had grandma and grandpa give our kids all the history of their family that were buried there. Alot of family on boths sides buried in IOOF in Lebanon. I know my Grandpa Mac is buried in Buena Vista, but not sure where. I need to find out so we can honor him as well.

Grandpa Stenberg in IOOF cemetery in Lebanon.

My grandma Brant and Grandad's grave. IOOF in Lebanon.

(Nicole looks all little morbid with the hood, but it started raining so I will give her a break!)

My mom and I am assuming her sisters where their earlier in the week. In true Grandma Millie style her grave was all decked out complete with twirlies!

Grandma Marge. (LeRoy's grandma). Riverside Dr.

Was a good day to reflect. About what's important, and what's not. That people come into your life but can leave someday when you're not ready.

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