Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"fairwell but never goodbye"

Our little ray of sunshine "Sunny D" is leaving (the BGCA)...................we will miss you so much but are excited to celebrate your wedding!!! I had to put this pic of you and your scooter on just one last time. We all went to Gametime (a cute little neighborhood bar on the southside) for drinks and dinner. It was me, Sunny, Kam, Tara (and the baby, can you believe she took a baby into a bar?), Maxine, Ashley and Jessie (where the heck were you Janie??????) Everyone (except me) got REALLY drunk and danced on the tables. You all missed a really good time. ha ha ha ha ha ha (Janie, I am acting like you were there :)

these little people are Kam, Jessie and Ashley.......

1 comment:

Sunny said...

Love it Missy! Not so happy about the scooter 'butt' shot but I will let it slide! I will miss you all so much so please keep in touch!