Sunday, August 19, 2012

"Jamboree weekend......and a wrecked car..."

 Nicole went to the Jamboree with her friends and stayed at my sisters house for the weekend. Sounds like the weekend was great and they had fun and went to the lake and all the concerts. Sunday night her and Hannah were headed home and they got into an accident. It wasn't her fault and luckily everyone was ok and just minor bruises. The poor kid that hit her was only 16 and had only had his license a month and had his little brother with him! And everyone was wearing seatbelts and airbags deployed. It was about 2 miles from our house and we got there in about 2 minutes after she called me.
 Her car is totalled.........
 I just thank God that everyone walked away from it. Scary call to get from your teenager that she was in a car accident.

And what are the chances of 2 cars of ours being totalled within a month of each other?????? And neither was our fault. So now we are down 2 cars. And have 3 drivers and we all have jobs that are different hours.............I'm hoping good things are to come our way! (But still so grateful that all the teenagers walked away without serious injuries.)

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