Sunday, April 28, 2013

"Vegas..................Part 1"

 It all happened before we even got to Vegas!!!!!!!!
 LeRoy fell down the stairs on the shuttle at the Portland Airport before we even go into the building at the airport. (It was 10:00 am on a Sunday, so there was no drinking involved!) and sprained his ankle.
 He was not happy to be hurt. In a wheelchair. Or that we missed our flight because I forced him to seek medical help and go to the hospital.
 The EMT's arrived at the terminal (we are still outside and it's freezing!!) They recommended taking him to Providence Hospital in Portland near by. They offered an ambulance ride but I opted for a cab (all I could think of was a $1000 ride to the hospital). So we hail a cab. LeRoy is in alot of pain. He is mad because I'm making him go to the hospital to get his ankle checked out. He is mad we were going to miss our flight. We told our friends to go ahead and get on the plane and we would hopefully see them in Vegas.
 So here I am. With my husband in pain. He is pissed off. I have all our luggage to schlep along with us!! and the cab ride cost us $35. We get to Providence ER and I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to handle all this by myself. I went in and asked the security guy if he could help me get my husband out of the cab in a wheelchair and I have all our luggage! I just got another wheelchair and wheeled it in too!(My husband is lucky I have alot of patience and am good in emergency situtation! I handled it all like a pro.) (And I seem to spend alot of time in the Emergency Rooms of hospitals when I'm never the patient!)
 They took him back for x-rays. Thank god it wasn't broken!!!!! Sprained really bad. They said sometimes a sprain hurts worse than a break.
 They wrap him up. Give him some ibuprofin (I would have wanted something stronger than that) gave him an ice pack and we were on our way. At this point I asked him if he would rather go back home (we were still in Oregon) or head on to Las Vegas. Of coarse he wanted to go to Vegas!
 So we take a cab BACK to the airport. We already missed our flight. The next flight out was at 5:15 pm. last one to Vegas for the day. (we left for Portland at 8:00 am). LeRoy didn't like me pushing him around the airport in a wheel chair. I didn't much care for it either. Here is my grown-man husband. 2 suitcases and my carry on. I was sweating by the time we got thru security and to our gate. Then we had to wait 4 hours for our flight out. We hadn't eaten. Between cab fare and sandwiches we had already spent $100 before we ever left Portland!! Was the longest travel day EVER!!! It took us almost 11 hours to get to Vegas! I needed a drink ASAP. I was so looking forward to relaxing and not having to take care of anyone but myself! I felt bad he was hurt. But it could have been worse! At least it wasn't broken and he didn't need surgery. ( 2 pics are graphic)..
 But the next day when we unwrapped it this is what it looked like. Was so swollen too. We tried to keep it iced and propped up. But thats hard to do in Vegas. So much walking! Well lots of walking for me! I had to go to the ice machine and get coffee etc.

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