Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"cool minty breath"

Bedtime tonight was very entertaining. Usually I get a lot of back talk. Dilly-dallying. Excuses. And slow moving kids. Tonight was full of giggles. My son is not "thorough" about brushing his teeth. Lazy. I am constantly on him about doing a better job.
I told him I was going to brush his teeth for him. He is 9 years old for goodness sake. I gave him ANOTHER lesson.
Toothbrushing 101.
Got him to bed.
My 14 year old daughter said "mommy, will you brush my teeth too?" Ummmm. NO. You are 14. (she is OBSESSIVE about brushing her teeth at least 3 times a day.)
I go lay on Tylers bed to tuck him in. We are talking and I pushed his hair back off of his forehead. After a few seconds he said "My forehead is cold, it must be from your cool minty breath". (I just brushed my teeth and used mouthwash). It was hilarious. He is still giggling. I can hear him in his room.
So darling daughter wouldn't leave me alone about brushing her teeth.
She was being lazy.
So I said ok. I was being silly and over exaggerating and brushing her nose (with toothpaste), her cheeks, etc. We were laughing so hard and toothpaste is all over the bathroom. I let her finish herself.
Then she said she "needed" to tweeze my eyebrows. Good golly, Miss molly.
I am a big baby. Hurts like a mother. She was laughing at me and making fun of me being such a baby and said "calm down Rambo". Giggles, giggles, giggles.
So everyone has cool minty breath, my eyebrows look great and the kids are in bed.
I wish every night at bedtime was so full of giggles :)

1 comment:

Becky J Erbes said...

I loved this! Thanks for the giggle!