Thursday, July 2, 2009

"hair.......before and after"

So my dear sweet 9 year old boy decided he was done with his long hair.
"Mom, I want a haircut. Short. Like in my passport picture. It's too hot. I'm ready".
I was excited but a little sad to see it go. I loved his long hair. But his face is so cute, now I can see it better with short hair. So, off to the salon we go. Good bye hair.
Hello mister man.
(Mighty fine haircut if I do say so myself.) I really enjoyed the conversation while I cut his hair. Funny how people sit in my chair and the conversation flows. He talked about baseball (the main reason for the new do, he said when he was out there pitching, he was so hot he thought he was gonna pass out!). And about how his sister had a little influence on the haircut. She decided short hair was cool. How he is excited we are going to the coast for the 4th of July to watch fireworks.

So here's my hansome man. Makes him look older. sigh..........

And speaking of new do's. I found this in a magazine. Thinking this is what I want for myself. Maybe just the cut not the color. Any opinions?


Jessie Brown said...

love love love the cut. Both your kiddo and the one you have picked out! Super cute!

Susanne P. said...

he looks awesome! what a stud.

love that hair style. i would shit my pants if i saw you with hair that short. i think it would look great.