Thursday, January 8, 2009

"kambria marie hunter"

Glad we walked it out tonight. We need to figure "it" out. Finances. Work. BALANCE.
"It could be worse" (we could be Vicki from the O.C. aka. uber-mom!!)
"But why can't it be better?"
I found this Starbuck's drip IV for you so you will always be energized! I bid on one for you on Ebay. ha ha This need to be your new motto. I will have a shirt printed up for you. Don't think I'm kidding. Because you know I will. :)

Here's to your job. I think yours represents the toilet paper! ha ha.

Tomorrow is another day.
Fresh new day.
Do you want me to bring you lunch tomorrow? Subway?


{marie} said...

i don't deserve you. :)

Donna said...

I need one of those Starbuck IV's!

P.S. I should have bought the jeans! but now I have an excuse to go to albany again :D

Mrs Anne said...

that's it.
next week i'm goin' on one of these motivational speaker walks with you guys.

Kam.. please have my tutu ready, i intend on wearing it the entire time.


Susanne P. said...

missy, just keep being her support. she totally deserves it. =)

btw, i have one of those shirts. it says "make the stupid people shut up" lol