Tuesday, November 4, 2008

" i die "

I have heard some of the funniest quotes today.

*I hate fake-ass girls

*Obama won- now we need to move to South America

*Go with the flow (and hope it's not aunt flo)

*I hate your granny panties *I know but I can't afford to buy new ones

*Our reputations are being tainted by Tommy Lee

LMAO. Probably not funny to most, but I am laughing my real ass off right now. These quotes are all from people I dearly love.


{marie} said...

the funny thing is that i know every single one of the people that said these quotes today. my favorite is the one about moving to south america.....i die.

Jessie Brown said...

I want that little monkey for my car!! SO FLIPPIN' CUTE!!! :) Love the quotes...my favorite quote recently was Miss Alley's from the Club.
"I am so hot in my dice costume, now I know why homeless people live in boxes." :)
Yea...she hasn't lived that one down yet.

Mrs Anne said...

great quote list.

i have nothing witty more to add.


Susanne P. said...

those quotes are great. like anne, i have no more to add.

missy, i just sent you an email!!