Monday, November 10, 2008

"i'm bored......"

.....said my 9 year old. Well I said "then you can go outside and rake leaved in the backyard". At first I had some resistance. Then he piped up and said "ok". So off the the shed we went. Got the rake. Changed shoes. I put a roast with potatoes and carrots in the oven and off we went. He didn't want me to take any pictures. I assured him I was just taking pictures of all the leaves. (not sure I pulled that one off). He did such a great job and was proud about how happy daddy would be when he got home. Then I let him go ride bikes with his friend down the street. I wish everyday was like this.............


Mrs Anne said...

:) What a sweet pea! Helpful, adorable AND willing??

What a good kid you raised... must have been the Skittles for breakfast.


p.s. when's our next get-to-gether?

Missy said...

Let's set a date. Crafapooloza anyone? I thought we were doing a crafty craft day?